Sunday, October 20, 2013

One Stone, One Bird

In a recent post, I wrote that I planned to kill two birds with one stone on a trip to Hot Springs, NC on Saturday. Well, I did get some new Civil War re-enactor photos, but the Fall foliage photos I was hoping for didn't happen. The forests in the Hot Springs area were still disappointingly green. Oh well, I'll be taking my daughter back to Boone today, and I know the opportunities will be much better up that way.

The Fog Of War, Hot Springs, NC  -  2013
(Click on photo to enlarge.)

The Battle of Warm Springs re-encactment was held yesterday. There were not quite as many participants as last year's event, but they still put on a good show. Noticeably absent were the number of cavalry, only three this year compared to almost a dozen last year. However, there was still enough noise and smoke from the rifles and canons to keep the crowds happy. One thing that did puzzle me is the number of people who brought dogs with them to the event. Most of the dogs were absolutely terrified by the canon blasts, and were turned into whimpering, whining bundles of fear minutes after the battle started. Why do some people feel they have to bring their pets with them everywhere? As Dr. Phil would say, "What were you thinking?"

The photo above was the only one I had time to do anything with in the digital darkroom after we got home. It was a college football Saturday, after all.

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