Friday, January 10, 2014

A Day On Work Release

Frozen Drips, Avery County, NC  -  2014
(Click on photo to enlarge.)

In the freight business, January is usually one of the slowest months of the year. However, because of gross under-staffing (part of the trendy "Lean" business philosophy), we've been busier than a one armed wall paper hanger. For the past three weeks I haven't had much time for anything but work and getting ready to go back to work. There certainly hasn't been any time for photography.

I was able to take a personal day yesterday to drive Courtney back to Boone for the start of the new semester at Appalachian State. I used time on the drive back to do a little exploring with my camera, and I found these ice formations from the water that constantly seeps from the cliff face on 221 in Avery County. The combination of the ice on the dark, rough stone seemed to demand a B&W rendition. I also got to spend some time scrambling down to a frozen creek about 150' below the highway. I'll post some of those photos later. It was a day away from the chaos at work that I sorely needed!


  1. Glad you had a great day. A trip to Boone (and surrounding area) is what I could always use after crazy days. I've been enjoying all the ice and snow pics everyone has been posting. Can't wait to see what else you captured on your drive. I did see the Reuben you posted yesterday on FB. Way to make a pregnant girl hungry.

  2. We all need those breaks in our routine.
    That's why Dave an I escape and do Daytrips every now and then.
    Being retired isn't the answer to everything.
    Looking forward to more photos of the frozen creek.
