Thursday, April 25, 2013

Beyond Camera Shy

Stop!, Fort Moultrie, Sullivan's Island, SC  -  2013
(Click on photo to enlarge.)

Most, if not all parents like to take pictures of their children. So I'm not really that odd for wanting to document our daughters' childhood and teen years, am I? Both of my girls have gotten tired of having my lens pointed in their direction, but the youngest has gotten militant about it. She is beyond camera shy.

While visiting Ft. Moultrie, Courtney and I went in opposite directions around a brightly painted powder magazine. My plan was to catch a candid photo of her as she emerged from around the back of the structure. Her "Dad With A Camera Radar" was set on high, however, and I wasn't fast enough to catch her before her shield went up and she yelled, "Stop!" Oh well, sometimes you just gotta take what you can get.


  1. I like the story the picture shows. Great lines, angles and color.
    Sure hope she (they) let you take some pictures where their faces are showing. Years down the road they will wish they were.

  2. Take what you can get is the truth. My 4 yr old hates being in front of the camera. At least you got the hand. Tristan's usual reaction is to turn around, bend over and shake his hiney at me and tell me to take a pic of that. *sigh* Kids.
